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About Bob Rosenblatt

Bob Rosenblatt

I have been a reporter for 40 years and my specialty is information about aging issues, topics like Medicare, Social Security, pensions, IRAs, and finding a good assisted living apartment for your Mom. I developed the Los Angeles Times’ first beat on aging, and wrote a column for the Times’ health section on these issues. The column was “Benefits Bob.”  I am now a free-lance writer and a Senior Fellow at the National Academy of Social Insurance (NASI), a bi-partisan think tank, where I have been a writer and conducted training sessions for reporters covering Social Security and Medicare.

This new site, is where you can find accurate and expert information to help you handle the finances of aging. I look forward to hearing from you as readers and questioners and commenters, or seeing you in person at community and business events in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.

Bob Rosenblatt

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